Lancet Fellows

Lancet Fellow
Phillip Baker
- Research Fellow
- School of Regulation and Global Governance, Australian National University
- Australia

Lancet Fellow
Hannah Brinsden
- Head of Advocacy & Public Affairs / Doctoral student
- World Obesity Federation / Centre for Food Policy - City, University of London
- United Kingdom

Lancet Fellow
Jessica Bogard
- Doctoral Student
- School of Public Health, The University of Queensland. Global Change Team, Agriculture and Food, CSIRO
- Australia

Lancet Fellow
Lindsay Jaacks
- Assistant Professor of Global Health
- Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Lancet Fellow
Ariadne Beatrice Kapetanaki
- Senior Lecturer
- Department of Marketing and Enterprise, Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire
- UK

Lancet Fellow
Matthew Kasman
- Research Associate
- Center on Social Dynamics and Policy, The Brookings Institution

Lancet Fellow
Vivica Kraak
- Assistant Professor of Food and Nutrition Policy
- Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia

Lancet Fellow
Michael Long
- Assistant Professor
- Department of Prevention and Community Health, Milken Institute School of Public Health, The George Washington University

Lancet Fellow
Susanna Mills
- Public Health Specialty Registrar and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Lecturer
- Newcastle University
- UK

Lancet Fellow
Alexandra Morshed
- Doctoral Student
- Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis

Lancet Fellow
Gary Sacks
- Senior Research Fellow
- World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention at Deakin University
- Australia

Lancet Fellow
Wilma Waterlander
- Research Fellow
- University of Auckland / INFORMAS
- New Zealand

Lancet Fellow
Luke Wolfenden
- Associate Professor
- Hunter New England Population Health & The University of Newcastle
- Australia