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News Dec 22, 23

2023 in review: Journals

The Editors of our four journals reflect on 2023 highlights, with an introduction from our Publications Committee Chair.

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Events News Dec 22, 23

2023 in review: Events

The World Obesity Events Team were in full swing this year with events held around the world.

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News Member news Dec 20, 23

2023 in review: Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) Health Services

CBC Health Services highlight their commendable efforts in tackling obesity in Cameroon.

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News Member news Dec 20, 23

2023 in review: The All India Association for Advancing Research in Obesity (AIAARO)

AIAARO concluded a successful year with the Obesity India 2023 congress held in Nagpur.

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News Member news Dec 20, 23

2023 in review: The Salvadorean Association of Obesity (ASOBE)

ASOBE celebrated its 25th year with participation in key national and worldwide events.

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News Member news Dec 20, 23

2023 in review: The Association for the Study of Obesity on the island of Ireland (ASOI)

ASOI marked an active year in 2023, leading the way on obesity advocacy in Ireland.

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News Member news Dec 20, 23

2023 in review: Romanian Association for the Study of Obesity (ROSA)

RASO culminated a busy year with a series of events this autumn.

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News Member news Dec 20, 23

2023 in review: Argentinian Society of Obesity and Eating Disorders (SAOTA)

SAOTA participated in a number of activities in 2023.

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Dec 03, 23

World Obesity calls for investing in obesity as part of climate action at COP28

MENA organisations have committed to launching the MENA Association of Obesity in the spring 2024.

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