World Obesity welcomes Chilean member association ACHINUMET
The Chilean Association for Clinical Nutrition, Obesity and Metabolism (ACHINUMET) is a non-profit dedicated to representing the discipline of clinical nutrition in current medicine.
ACHINUMET, a well-established and respected scientific organisation, recently joined World Obesity as a full member, with members already being involved in SCOPE and other World Obesity initiatives.

Among the objectives listed by ACHINUMET include the 'discussion of new perspectives in clinical nutrition, obesity and metabolism, the exchange of experiences with leading researchers and clinicians, generating a space for the communication of experiences by scientific working groups, promoting the development of research protocols, and carrying out continuous training'.
Research presented by the Global Obesity Observatory indicates that over 70% of adults in Chile are living with overweight and obesity, ranking prevalence among the highest in the Americas.
Should current trends continue, Chile will see an annual increase of 2.7% in childhood obesity rates and 1.9% in adult obesity, with further figures suggesting that the economic impact of overweight and obesity will rise to $10.22bn, or 2.78% of GDP.

ACHINUMET will be leading efforts to investigate clinical nutrition and obesity in Chile, part of a coalition of organisations working in the wider field in the country. World Obesity will aim to represent and support ACHINUMET and its members in Chile on the international stage.
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