Organisations from Cameroon and Latin America join World Obesity to address obesity | World Obesity Federation

Organisations from Cameroon and Latin America join World Obesity to address obesity

NewsOrganisations from Cameroon and Latin America join World Obesity to address obesity

World Obesity Federation is pleased to welcome two new organisations into its membership - Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) and Coalition for Americas' Health (CLAS). 

Both of these organisations have a strong vision to eradicate obesity and NCDs in their respective localities and join as Associate members.

Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS)

Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) is a faith-based healthcare organisation providing community services across 102 health institutions in 9/10 regions of Cameroon and employs over 6,000 healthcare staff across Cameroon.

As part of this healthcare provision, CBCHS provides key NCD prevention and monitoring services at its facilities in Cameroon, recognising the need to prioritise obesity and related non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes in its healthcare interventions.

Among its health facilities, the CBCHS has 15 equipped facilities with Know Your Numbers (KYN) services where vital health numbers such as blood pressure, body mass index, blood sugar, and waist circumference are assessed alongside the lifestyle of individuals. In addition to the KYN units are Diabetes and Hypertension units where monthly follow-ups are undertaken with individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension. Given the means, CBCHS would like to create obesity clinics in these or more facilities to improve care.

World Obesity will aim to support colleagues in Cameroon with resources, obesity-specific education, policy opportunities, and more.

Mr Takwe Boniface, NCD Program Leader at CBCHS, welcomed the chance to join World Obesity, saying:

“The availability of resources, capacity building, and other opportunities because of our affiliation to World Obesity will empower us to beat NCDs as we strive to provide quality care to all who need it.”


Coalition for Americas' Health (CLAS)

Representing organisations across the spectrum of Latin American NCD prevention and control, CLAS Saludable was formed as an umbrella group focussed on the prevention and control of chronic diseases.

CLAS aims to control NCDs in the region of the Americas by promoting an environment conducive to health, well-being, and social and economic development.

As part of its remit, CLAS increases awareness and aims to educate the public, media, authorities, and other sectors of society about the prevention and control of NCDs, including their risk factors, determinants, and relation to infectious diseases.

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