SCOPE Certified Professionals | World Obesity Federation

SCOPE Certified Professionals


SCOPE Certified Professionals

Physician Ireland

Trevor Killeen

Physician Ireland

Jack Evans

General Practitioner Ireland

Eimear Darcy

Nurse Practitioner Ireland

Maria Scahill

Family Medicine Ireland

Rachel Collins

General Practitioner Ireland

Karin Dursteler

General Practitioner Ireland

Yvonne Hall

General Practitioner Ireland

John Brazil

Dietitian Ireland

Mary Dullea

Nurse Ireland

Mary Jordan

Physician Ireland

Amanda Cotter

Nutritionist Ireland

Werd AlNajim

Physician Ireland

Maurice O’Farrell

Physician Ireland

Colin Davenport

Physician Ireland

Michael Crotty

Physician Ireland

Sean Manning

Physician Ireland

Metib Alotaibi

Physiotherapist Ireland

Ahmed Hamdy Diab

Consultant Endocrinologist Ireland

Muhammad Ridhwaan Salehmohamed

Dietitian Ireland

Katie Louise McCarthy

Pharmacist Ireland

Laura Farrell

This programme is partially supported by an unrestricted medical education grant from Novo Nordisk A/S.
Novo Nordisk has had no input into the content of the training.