The role of physical activity and exercise in obesity | World Obesity Federation

The role of physical activity and exercise in obesity

ResourcesResource LibraryThe role of physical activity and exercise in obesity

Physical activity has significant health benefits for everyone, independently of the intensity at which it is practiced, and should be promoted as part of the response to treat and prevent non-communicable diseases.

The impact of physical activity alone on weight loss alone is modest. Yet, its impact on general health, including the maintenance of healthier weight, should warrant that  it be considered a core component of obesity interventions and that it ensure the sustainability of weight management programmes.

 As addressing obesity is about more than just losing weight and includes improving overall health, the benefits associated with exercise should compel us to develop policies focused on supporting and enabling all people to engage in physical activity in our daily lives. World Obesity is committed to reframing the obesity narrative away from solely individual responsibility and ultimately ineffective “magic  bullet” solutions to address the global obesity epidemic.  Instead, we call for the inclusion of all factors related to the prevention, treatment and management of obesity. This includes dispelling existing misconceptions and promoting a better understanding of the role of physical activity and exercise in managing the disease.

Download our full position statement on the role of physical activity

The role of physical activity and exercise in obesity

A position statement from the World Obesity Federation

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