The World Obesity Federation (World Obesity) is the only global organisation focused exclusively on obesity. Its mission is to work with and through our members and partners, to achieve global obesity-related targets including halting the rise of obesity, and to shape the global narrative.
This is achieved through research, education and policy and advocacy focused on preventing and managing obesity in low, middle and high-income countries.
To achieve its mission, World Obesity works in partnership with stakeholders that are also committed to addressing obesity. World Obesity takes a holistic view of obesity from cause and prevention to treatment and recognises that such an integrated approach requires working with all those who have a stake in obesity.
As a charity registered in the UK while carrying out work globally, World Obesity adheres to Charity Commission guidelines and the codes of practice of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) and other relevant trade bodies for the charity sector. World Obesity is in official relations with WHO and as such, adheres to requirements and transparency around funding to ensure that advocacy activities are approrpriately ringfenced. Partner organisations will also be expected to comply with the requirements of umbrella or trade bodies, depending on the activities of the partner organisation.
Who do we partner with?
World Obesity only partners with those who are committed to addressing obesity in line with the World Obesity mission.
This may include private sector companies working in healthcare and other fields. Any potential conflicts of interest (whether real or perceived) are scrutinised as per best practice and risk-assessed on a case-by-case basis according to World Obesity’s policy on partnerships, which is currently being updated.

Financial partnerships
In order for World Obesity to carry out its mission and support its programmes and core activities, World Obesity receives funding support in the form of grants, sponsorships, and dues from partners including members, companies, foundations and agencies. Some funding is also received from sales of journals, fees, and unrestricted gifts.
World Obesity only accepts financial support from partners who have been risk-assessed and meet the criteria set out in the policy on partnerships. In the past, this has included companies (including those engaged in healthcare), governmental bodies and charitable foundations. World Obesity welcomes dialogue with the food industry, but we do not engage in financial relationships with them.

Healthcare companies
As important stakeholders in the provision, accessibility and affordability of obesity treatment, World Obesity welcomes positive and transparent relationships with healthcare companies that adhere to expected standards.
Meeting the needs of people at risk of or living with obesity is paramount to World Obesity’s goals. Any funds received from the pharmaceutical industry, in particular, are received and spent strictly within the guidelines laid down by the ‘ABPI Code of Practice, Clause 27 – Relationships with Patient Organisations’. World Obesity retains control over all policy positions, decisions, advocacy efforts and any campaigns it produces. World Obesity may campaign for the availability of treatment as part of the continuum of care of people living with obesity.