World Obesity at WHO's regional committee meetings | World Obesity Federation

World Obesity at WHO’s regional committee meetings

NewsWorld Obesity at WHO's regional committee meetings

This year, World Obesity and our members will be advocating to governments at WHO’s regional committee meetings.

In our statements, we highlight the evidence on obesity and COVID-19 (collated in our policy dossier), and make the case for why now is such a crucial time to accelerate action on obesity in every region of the world.

WHO Regional Committee Statements

Obesity & COVID19 open letter

Open letter for Ministers attending the Ministerial Roundtable on COVID-19 (Item 6) of the 73rd session of WHO regional committee for South East Asia

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Statement to the 72nd Session of the regional committee of WHO for the Americas

World Obesity Federation statement endorsed by Instituto Nacional De Salud Pública (México) and Centro Avanzado de Medicina Metabólica y Nutrición (Chile) Agenda item 4.2 COVID-19 Pandemic in the Region of the Americas

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WOF/EASO Joint Statement to WHO

European Association for the Study of Obesity and World Obesity Federation statement on the state of health in the WHO European Region, including lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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