WHO EB154: Advocating for better health and well-being
22 - 27 January 2024, Geneva
World Obesity Federation was present at the 154th session of the WHO Executive Board in Geneva from 22 - 27 January 2024.
Our CEO, Johanna Ralston, and Head of Policy and Advocacy, Magdalena Wetzel, participated in the Executive Board contributing to discussions on key agenda items, and met with WHO colleagues, advocates and stakeholders during this high-level health week.
Contributing to key agenda items
In our capacity as an organisation in official relations with the WHO, the World Obesity team were able to participate and contribute to discussions on key agenda items.
These included:
- Universal Health Coverage and social participation to accelerate progress towards it,
- Maternal and infant health and nutrition,
- Climate change and health, and
- Leveraging the power of sport for improved health and well-being.

Leveraging the power of sports to improve health and well-being.
Building on the joint WHO-Ministry of Public Health of Qatar Action Guide, 'Healthier food and healthier food environments at sports events', the Executive Board discussed a draft resolution proposed by Qatar to leverage sport events for addressing public health challenges.
The physical and mental benefits associated with physical activity must encourage all people to engage in physical activity in our daily lives. World Obesity’s statement to the Executive Board urged Member States to implement the WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity and commended the draft decision’s call to improve participation in sport and physical activity, inclusively meeting the needs of individuals with obesity.
View the Resolution here: Strengthening health and well-being through sport events (who.int)
In addition to the statements we delivered (which you can download below), we also participated in a constituency statement for NCDs, as well as a joint statement for maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
What to look out for at the 77th World Health Assembly
Discussions at the Executive Board set the agenda for the next session of the Assembly in May. We can expect reviews, reports on progress and resolutions around:
- UHC and social participation to accelerate progress towards it
- Member State progress on the WHO Acceleration Plan to STOP Obesity
- Social determinants of health
- Maternal, infant and young child nutrition, including guidance on regulatory measures aimed at restricting digital marketing of breast-milk substitutes
- Well-being and health promotion
- Climate change and health
- Economics and health for all
Statements delivered by World Obesity at EB154:
Statement to the 154th WHO Executive Board - UHC
Pillar 1: One billion more people benefiting from universal health coverage Agenda Item 6. Universal health coverage
Download (259.83 KB)Statement to the 154th WHO Executive Board - Climate change and health
Pillar 3: One billion more people enjoying better health and well-being, Agenda Item 22. Climate change, pollution and health
Download (198.34 KB)Statement to the 154th WHO Executive Board - Leveraging the power of sport
Pillar 3: One billion more people enjoying better health and well-being Agenda Item 21. Well-being and health promotion
Download (239.05 KB)Related News
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