UN General Assembly - Obesity on the global agenda
On 21 September, World Obesity Federation co-hosted a side event with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNICEF and with support from Novo Nordisk, to the launch the new World Obesity and RTI International global obesity economics data.
This event, held on the side lines of the 2022 UN General Assembly, explored newly launched insight and analysis of the economic impact of obesity, predicting the economic cost of overweight and obesity set to reach 3.3% of global GDP by 2060.
Our esteemed speakers and panel included high-profile experts in the health and obesity fields.
- Neena Prasad, Bloomberg Philanthropies
- Susanne Dahl, Executive Director, UNICEF Denmark
- Werner Obermeyer, WHO
- Rachel Nugent, Vice President - Global NCDs, RTI International
- Pressia Arifin-Cabo, Deputy Representative, UNICEF Mexico
Panel and Q&A - Solutions and Investment Needed:
- Meera Shekar, World Bank
- Anuradha Narayan, Chief of Nutrition, UNICEF China
- Neils Lund, Vice President, Novo Nordisk
- Dr Simón Barquera, President-Elect, World Obesity Federation
- Dr Alafia Samuels, Policy & Prevention Committee Chair, World Obesity Federation
Making meaningful progress
Our panel discussed the implications of and opportunities for using this new insight to advance global obesity policy implementation.
Notably, the event zoned in on the new WHO Acceleration Plan and the resources that are needed to ensure effective implementation of the recommendations and increase the chance of meaningful progress being made towards achieving the global targets in adults and children.

We welcomed a broad array of attendees from the US, Indonesian and Japanese government, alongside the private sector and civil society. Conversations were far-reaching with a consensus that investment in obesity prevention and management is critically needed. We look forward to continuing these conversations and catalysing them into action at both global and national level.
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