COVID News Digest - March 2022 | World Obesity Federation

COVID News Digest - March 2022

NewsCOVID News Digest - March 2022

We are compiling stories from credible sources representing all regions of the world, including academic articles, position statements and mainstream news, amongst others.

Venous Thromboembolism in Ambulatory Covid-19 patients: Clinical and Genetic Determinants – MedRxiv

A new study suggests that obesity is a clinical determinant of COVID-19 associated venous thromboembolism (VTE). Men and older people were also identified as being at greater risk. Overall, the risk of VTE is nearly 20 times higher in people suffering from COVID-19 than those who are not infected.

Studies link Covid-19 infection with increased risk of new diabetes diagnosisCNN

COVID-19 has been linked to increased risk of developing diabetes in recent studies. One German paper, published in Diabetologia, found that people who had recovered from mild COVID-19 were 28% more likely to be subsequently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes than those who had not been infected. A US study, published in The Lancet, found a 38% increase in the risk of diabetes among COVID-19 patients, even if they had no or few other risk factors. The risk of diabetes increases with the severity of the infection, reaching 276% among people who were treated in the ICU.

High BMI in upper teens a risk factor for severe COVID-19 Science News

Men who experienced overweight or obesity in their late teens are at higher risk of hospitalisation from COVID-19 in later life, according to research at the University of Gothenburg. The study compared data for men conscripted between 1969 and 2005 on the Swedish Military Service Conscription Register with contemporary national medical registers. The risk of needing intensive care began to climb among men who had an adolescent BMI of between 22.5 to 25 and increased still further among those who lived with overweight or obesity in their teens, showing that weight can be a risk factor even after many years.

Even mild or moderate COVID-19 can affect the cardiovascular system in young adults, study showsEurekAlert!

Researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil have found that mild to moderate COVID-19 infection can cause imbalances in the cardiovascular systems of young men and women – and that obesity could be a factor. The study looked at people between the ages of 20 and 40 before they were vaccinated. Automatic heart rate modulation was shown to be less effective among subjects living with overweight and obesity.


Higher levels of PFAS exposure may increase chance of Covid, studies say The Guardian

High exposure to toxic PFAS (a class of chemicals that do not break down naturally) can increase the risk of contracting COVID-19 and experiencing worse outcomes from the virus, according to recent studies. PFA exposure is also linked to endocrine disruption and associated with obesity and diabetes.

Probiotics May Help Prevent Respiratory Infections in Overweight PeopleInfectious Diseases Special Edition

People with overweight and obesity could lower their risk of upper respiratory tract infections by using a daily probiotic, according to research at Imperial College London. The findings could inform treatment approaches for COVID-19 in vulnerable populations. Previous studies have suggested that probiotics have a potential therapeutic role in adjuvant management of COVID-19, although the data are preliminary.

Mental Health and Obesity During the COVID-19 Pandemic docwirenews

The association between the COVID-19 pandemic and poor mental health is established, with increased levels of stress, anxiety and depression in evidence across the population. A new study has found that those suffering from deteriorating mental health often report reduced physical activity, consumption of unhealthy food, and other behaviours that could increase the risk of weight gain and obesity. Women, people already living with obesity, and those with pre-existing mental health conditions are most at risk. The authors emphasise the need to address mental health during the pandemic with psychological interventions and targeted action among at-risk groups.