2024 in review: Sociedad Argentina de Obesidad y Trastornos Alimentarios (SAOTA)
Members of the Sociedad Argentina de Obesidad y Trastornos Alimentarios (SAOTA) hosted and participated at a number of congresses in 2024.
Members of SAOTA participated as speakers at the XV Congress of the Latin American Federation of Obesity Societies (FLASO) and the II Paraguayan Congress of Obesity that took place from 4 - 6 April 2024 with the lectures entitled 'Role of diet therapy in the activation of AMPKinase and its implication in metabolic health' by Dr Diego Pereyra, 'Eating disorders and obesity' by Dr Rosa Labanca and 'The physiology of adipose tissue and survival according to environmental context' by Dr Julio Montero.

Dr Julio Montero, president of SAOTA, participated as speaker with the conference 'The physiology of adipose tissue and survival according to the environmental context', at the International Congress of Obesity (ICO), hosted by the World Obesity Federation and ABESO, that took place in São Paulo from 26 - 29 June 2024.

SAOTA organised its National Congress on Obesity “New Paradigms in Nutrition and Obesity”, which took place on 4 October 2024 at the Argentine Medical Association and included lectures by national referents in obesity. Among the lectures were:
- Is there a ‘normal diet’?
- A journey to the thousand and one faces of obesity
- Sexuality in obesity
- Hypothyroidism and Vitamin D in obesity
- Adipose tissue: internal water and sun
- New interventions in prevention and treatment
The event ended with a one-man play that conveyed the experience of a patient with obesity and awards were given to outstanding professionals.
Other Activities:
The annual course on “Obesity and food transition. Pharmacotherapy. Diet therapy and prevention” took place in hybrid format, under the direction of Dr Julio Montero at the Argentine Medical Association.
SAOTA together with professionals from the Argentine Society of Medical Nutritionists (SAMENUT) started working on the elaboration of the Argentine Consensus on Obesity COAMA - SAMENUT.
Members of SAOTA participated as speakers in the III Congress of SAMENUT, where the preliminary advances of the Argentine Consensus on Obesity were presented.

Find out more about Sociedad Argentina de Obesidad y Trastornos Alimentarios (SAOTA)