2024 in review: Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS)
During 2024, the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) trained 36 program nurses to offer KYN/Diabetes and Hypertension management services in 17 health facilities within the CBCHS where the NCD prevention and control program is being implemented.
In addition, the program trained 15 community mobilisers to facilitate the integration of the program staff into the community during sensitisation and screening outreaches. We also included indicators that collect data on maternal and child health to assess the prevalence of Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers as well as the risk factors in neonates.
The program also trained 78 PHC staff (community health workers and nurses) in underserved communities in various regions of the country, to enable them to raise awareness on NCDs and carry out KYN screening in their various communities as a strategy to ensure effective prevention, early identification and prompt management of NCDs in the rural areas.

Challenges faced in 2024 include:
- Limited staff to provide quality care to the patients
- Shortage of adapted equipment to provide care especially for patients with impairments
- Shortage of funds to enable program expansion, facilitative supervision, subsidise care and continued capacity building to keep staff updated with current practices regarding NCD prevention and management.
- Shortage of adequate workspaces in some facilities to host the KYN/D&H and obesity units
Looking ahead to 2025
In 2025, we intend to begin obesity management clinics to help those living with obesity better manage their conditions and adopt healthy lifestyle choices. In preparation for this, over 70 staff from the CBCHS have enrolled for the upcoming obesity course offered by SCOPE. We also intend to scale up by extending our KYN/D&H/Obesity services to three more health facilities within the CBCHS.
We also plan to intensify NCD education/screening in schools and other public spaces
The CBC Health Services is a non-profit, faith-based, inclusive humanitarian organisation whose mission is to provide holistic care to all who need it as an expression of Christian love. It has over 5,000 employees of committed specialists, paramedics, administrative core, chaplains, social workers and other support staff who diligently respond to the health and other social needs of community members especially the poorest in both rural and urban settings. CBCHS services are spread over nine of the country’s ten regions and it is renowned for excellent working relationships with national and international partner organisations in providing quality healthcare.